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Allie Emberson

Professional Writer & Editor

When I'm not outside making potions from moon water, you can find me writing and editing to my heart's content.

If you've been seeking out guidance for any of the following, you're in the right place!

Professional Creative Writing

Marketing and Promotions

Substantive and Copy Editing

Newest Fiction Release

Iliana and the Green (2023)

Inspired by European folklore of the elusive Green Man, this short story explores the mystic forces that live in protection of the final remnants of our historic natural world. After young Iliana finds herself lost in the deep woods, she is bewildered by the whispering leaves, dancing flowers, and helpful faces disguised in the trees. It isn't until she meets the wise and ancient Green Man that she feels a sense of protection and what it means to have her life in the hands of nature and fate.


Environmental Advocate

Sad Book Lover


Fairy Whisperer

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About Allie

Allie Emberson is an editor and writer from Hamilton, Ontario. Her deep-rooted passion for environmentalism and the magic of the natural world is touched upon in all her work and life endeavours. She hopes to instill the importance of human connectivity to the earth across each piece she breathes life into.

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